Financial Support


Financial Support

Students in the program are eligible for one of the largest financial support of our university for their research and living costs as follows. See this table (Japanese) for details.

Entrance fees and tuition

Under this program, accepted students are exempt from entrance and tuition fees. No fees are required for applying to this program.

Research assistant / Scholarship

⚠️under construction

  • In the first half of the doctoral program, students under this program are employed as a research assistant and paid 50,400 JPY per month at most.

  • In the second half of the doctoral program, students under this program are qualified to receive a scholarship (100,000 JPY per month).

Leading program research supporting fund

Leading program students can receive educational and research grants based on reviewing (100,000 JPY per year at most).

Other supports

Besides, transportation expenses, etc. for taking the Brain Information Architect Course will be paid.

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