Global Summer School 2014 reprt No.9

Global Summer School 2014 reprt No.9


(24th September 2014, Report from another Global Summer School student)

We conducted a field research on communities of Pulau Banding using CSA (Community Sustainability Assessment). I found that the problems such as keeping drinking water, education, houses, plant damages by wild animals, electricity and medical services were different between communities dependently on their levels of civilization. The native inhabitants had stayed in traditional houses made with bamboo and thatch, but nowadays they are staying in new houses built by the government. The new houses are not good at ventilation, and they stay outside for cooling during daytime. We discussed various problems and possible solutions based on the results of the filed research, and made implementable proposals from engineering viewpoints. I would like to thank students and professors from USM and TUT, and all staffs of the global summer school. — Leading graduate school program, Ph.D candidate, Tomoka Tanishita

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