Group Educator System


Group Educator System

The program “Qualifying Examination” guarantees the quality of the student’s skill set. Multiple faculties form a group to teach each doctoral program student through a “Group Educator System” together with clear milestones that follow the “PDCA” procedure.

Multiple-supervisors education system

Educators of this program are gathered in groups of three to four members per group. Groups consist of members from in-school and external staff from cooperating academic and research institutions, corporate partners, and foreign universities. The role of each group member is as follows:

  1. External staff from cooperating academic and research institutions: These members are in charge of instructing the students in brain science basic knowledge, giving the advice to define research themes that bear in mind the research development trends in brain science. They also instruct the students regarding the development of effective research execution.
  2. Foreign university staff: These members are responsible for strengthening the students’ international competitiveness, such as communication and presentation skills in English, thinking from a global perspective, and understanding international society and culture in depth.
  3. Corporate staff: These members develop the students’ skillset needed for corporate planning, intellectual property strategy, and analysis capability.

Deciding the Research Theme for the Doctoral Course

A research theme is decided with the group educators including members from industry, academia, and government taking into account the demands of society at the time the doctoral program is completed when students advance to the second year of the master’s program.

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