

Training Brain Information Architects

Leading Graduate School Program (Leading Program in short) is a five-year educational program consisting of master and doctoral courses. In our world-pioneering program of Toyohashi University of Technology aiming at “Training Brain Information Architects”, we foster researchers and engineers as “Brain Information Architects”, who can connect principles learned from studying a variety of different aspects of brain information, from the genome to the brain, from individuals to society, from the application of sensing and simulation technologies to problem-solving in brain science, the development of new electronic devices, and information processing systems.

History of the Program

We started the Leading Program in FY 2013 with the support of MEXT to guide top-tier students that have a broad outlook and creative flair to become globally active leaders in the industry, academia, and government (see JSPS site for details). We gather first-rate internal and external faculties and students, obtain the participation of industrial, academic, and governmental groups, support the radical reform of masters and doctoral education programs into interdisciplinary programs, and promote the spread of world-leading, guaranteed quality, degree programs. From FY 2020, we have been continuing the program with our own budget of the university.

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