


マレーシア科学大学Yvonne-Tee Get Bee氏およびマレーシア・ケランタン大学Hoe Chee Hock氏をお招きして、リーディング特別セミナーを開催いたします。学内・学外の皆様、ぜひご参加ください(事前登録不要)。


開催場所:図書館 コラボレーションエリア

Lecture 1


Gazing into smouldering active volcano: Why does the unstable atherosclerotic plaque erupt? Speaker:

Dr. Yvonne-Tee Get Bee, School of Health Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. Abstract:

Atherosclerosis is the main cause of ischemic heart disease, and rupture of unstable atherosclerotic plaque is the common cause of fatal myocardial infarction and sudden death. Hence, the vital question is not why atherosclerosis develops but rather why, after years of indolent growth, the atherosclerotic plaque becomes unstable. The growth of unstable plaque via repetitive silent rupture, resembles that of an active volcano, adding to its cinder cone by gradual small eruption, that may result in a catastrophic explosive eruption. In this short talk, we are going to discuss the underlying pathophysiological development of plaque instability and biomarkers of plaque instability.

Lecture 2


What doesn’t kill you make you stronger? Bacterial sRNA – The mastermind to thrive under stress Speaker:

Dr. Hoe Chee Hock, Preclinical Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Abstract:

The total RNome of a bacteria cell consists of two classes of RNAs: the RNAs that are translated into protein (messenger RNAs, or mRNAs) and various types of RNA that are not translated into protein but are involved in cell regulatory functions (bacterial sRNAs). Bacteria are often exposed to various stress and pathogenic bacteria are especially adept in orchestrating the hostile environment via bacterial sRNAs together with regulatory proteins to survive. In this short talk, we are going to discuss the role of bacterial sRNAs in modulating selected stress conditions.

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