Anja Lauer氏による特別講演会を開催します(2023年6月29日)
Anja Lauer氏(シュトゥットガルト大学)をお招きして特別講演会を開催します。学内者だけでなく学外者を含めて聴講自由となっておりますので、関心のある方はぜひご参加ください(ただし、学外者の方はオンライン参加のみとなっております)。
日時: 2023年6月29日(木)14:40~16:10
場所: 本学D棟4階 D-412室(学内者のみ)
講師: Anja Lauer 氏
Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS),
University of Stuttgart Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC)
演題: Automated on-site assembly of form-fit timber building elements using two large-scale manipulators
The University of Stuttgart is one of the nine leading technical universities in Germany (TU9) with around 26.000 students. The Institute for System Dynamics (ISYS) closes the gap between research and application in the field of system dynamics and control engineering by developing and applying meth-ods of system theory, modeling, simulation, control engineering, and optimization. Research topics at ISYS are large-scale robotics, continuum robotics, automotive, medical technology, optics, and adap-tive buildings.
In this talk, the institute ISYS is introduced together with the double degree program between TUT and the University of Stuttgart. Further, the scope of the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture (IntCDC) is outlined, which consists of 29 interconnected projects and 31 associated projects featuring digitization and automation throughout the whole con-struction process from the planning phase to prefabrication and on-site construction.
A special focus will be on IntCDC’s research project RP16, which automates the on-site assembly of form-fit timber building elements. The research results from the automated on-site assembly of wood-en cassettes on a real building are presented including some videos. The taken approach and methods as well as the future research plans are discussed.